Stewardship Department

Stewardship comes from Hebrews word Ashurbeth which means the keeper of the house , example Joseph in the house of Potiphar ( Gin 39:1-9). Also in Greece it is  Epitropos which means the Keeper of the House, Also Oikonomia which means the keeper of the house.

These Hebrew and Greece word could be summarize to  means the person who takes care or manager the house. Also means the Manager. The most important is the stewardship is a keeper of the house of God, God is the owner, human being as a steward is keeping the God's property (1 cor 4: 1-2). The church is a steward of the God's property, but church has the responsibility and accounts at the end, Romans 12:3.
In the Moravian church in Tanzania south west province, the Secretary of Stewardship Deportment is appointed among of the Pastor's in the province.

  1. To plan and teach seminars, courses, Workshop and values meetings of Stewardship in the province.
  2. To Oversees church property in the province.
  3. To keep the inventory of all Provincial properties.
  4. To inspect church properties in the Province.
  5. To teach Christian's stewardship in the congregation.
  6. To receive and examine the teachings of department from District readers.
Rev. Paul S. Mwambalaswa -  Secretary of Stewardship Department  MCT-SWP

Moravian Church in Tanzania - South West Province
Stewardship Department MCT-SWP

P.O. Box 377

Phone:   +255 765505969